obsessive love.
One mark for each of the 9331 days that we have been together… and counting.
(9389 days at the close of this show)

 On May 13, 1989, when our relationship began, I was 18.
Why this performance? —to visibly quantify time and emotion.
Because I can’t otherwise separate it from my life.


Throughout the duration of the exhibition, I return sporadically
during the gallery’s open hours, in order to complete this piece.
Performance: Nov 2014 through end of Jan 2015, at SPACE Gallery.
                       House paint on wall, 13.5 x 22 feet


Obsessive Love. Performance: Nov 2014 through end of Jan 2015, at Wood Street Galleries.   House paint on wall, 13.5 x 22 feet
photo credit, image #6: Meghan Olson